let’s chat: every story needs to start somewhere, and this one happens to begin with magical toad wizards.
It was just a regular day; one that doesn’t stand out in any particular way. As I was browsing the internet, I stumbled upon a certain reddit post that changed it all. I was mesmerized by Mr. Toadbert in his wizard costume and immediately knew I had to immortalize him forever. I didn’t have any sketches or designs in mind, I simply started to sculpt and soon I had a coven of three toad wizards.
The internet liked them almost as much as I did and so my frog journey begins.
The date is October 31st, year 2020. For the sake of this article (who am I kidding, it’s just for the unnecessary drama), let’s say it was witching hour when these frogs came into existence.
Them being wizards is not the thing that captivated everyone, I believe it was the shapes. So I made more frogs of different colours and with different accessories. And then I made some more. And then some.
I made hundreds of them. (If you feel like it, you can scroll down my instagram and see for yourself.) But eventually, I burnt myself out. I was sick of making the same shapes all the time. I exhausted all the colors and all the little add-ons I could think of. I thought I was done forever. (Spoiler alert: I wasn't.) It would be months until I made another frog.
But then, on one lazy afternoon… screaming frogs were born.
It was just a couple of small tweaks - their bodies got rounder and their mouth opened up but it gave them an entirely different vibe. Suddenly, they had something to say. And most importantly, it reignited my passion for making frogs.
Why do they scream, I hear you ask? Their favourite pasta shape (conchiglie) was sold out in the supermarket. A true tragedy.
I don’t know where this journey leads next. But wherever the path takes me, I hope it’s full of frogs.
Now, let’s get a little philosophical.
okay, but like, why are frogs so popular on the internet?
Let's take a closer look at what frogs are made of.
Now you’re probably wondering - What’s the point of this article? What is she trying to say? What’s the conclusion?
I don’t have those answers.
I just like frogs, man.