Right about now you’re probably wondering - What is this? Where am I?
Well, let me tell you why we have gathered here.
Today is the day we answer the ye olde question:
are geese born evil
or is evil a learned behavior?
Over the last couple of months, I’ve collected many of your opinions. Now is the time to publish my highly scientific findings.
Thanks to all your answers, we finally know what we’re up against.
According to this data, it’s been proven that geese are indeed born evil. What do we do with this information, you ask?
Prepare, I say. Get you bite-proof mittens on, put some breadcrumbs in your pocket and get to the battlefield.
It’s only a matter of time.
Thank you to everyone that participated in this study.

some of the best answers according to my humble opinion:
Geese have no concept of morality; they are not being evil, they are simply fulfilling their purpose on earth which is to terrorize children.
I think they are born with little morals and as they grow, the evil grows too.
Not evil, so to say. They’re just natural-born protectors of what is theirs. Barbarians. Their fight or flight response only has one word in their dictionary; FIGHT.
Geese are absolutely born evil, source: I was bitten on the butt by a goose once.
They just have trouble expressing their emotions and also like making a few problems on purpose.
All I want to do is be friends with them, and all they want to do in return is scream at me and bite. I hope to find a friend one day but I think they are just all very rude.
I strongly believe that geese are generally good-natured animals, however, throughout history, their spirits had been broken. They had no other choice, you must know the saying "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain". Geese force us to see an undesired side of life, thus opening our eyes, showing us the truth. At the end of the day, we can only be grateful for the menace they are, it really prepares us for the worst and highlights the truth of life. In my opinion, they decided to take this crucial role in society where they will always be controversial, and that is why we should admire and respect them.
Learned. Geese are really the ancient good-hearted protectors of the lands. And if it wasn’t for humans not listening to their sweet calls, they would never attack. I know this because I am a goose. but shhh it's a secret.
It is coded into their DNA.
Geese are here to remind us of our mortality, for they are Gods among us. Their violence is a punishment for falling from grace...
They are born entitled bastards but it depends on goose how that will blossom.
It is their only state of being. We must bow down to our geese overlords.
I currently study animal management at an agricultural college that specialises in the care of animals and we focus a lot on behaviour, as a result of this, I can completely reassure you that Geese are indeed born assholes, all of the worst people on Earth that die and are too evil to go to hell come back as geese to taunt us on the daily.
Geese bad.
The geese are the head of the bourgeoisie public intel forces and, hence, they learn it in bird boot camp. It is a learned behaviour in order to protect any intel they gather.
Geese are born evil. They have mischief and mayhem in their blood and nothing can change it.
Yes, they poop everywhere and steal my bread.
Geese are good. There's nothing wrong with geese (honk). Geese are unfairly maligned (honk). What was the question again? (honk)
Geese prefer to be called gooses and I suggest you do as they say. All gooses are Michelin star chefs and they scoff at your pie chart. I stand with the gooses because I am no fool.