It appears you have stumbled upon my wondrous little corner of the cyberspace filled with fun-sized animal friends that I conjure from thin air (and maybe a bit of polymer clay) with my own two hands.
Please feel free to enjoy this refuge from the never-ending internet noise and take a look around. You just might find something you like.
Each animal has so much personality, which is something that many people overlook. By sharing these small handmade animal figurines that are made from polymer clay, I hope to make you realize all the quirks of your non-human neighbors, so next time you stumble upon your local goose, you’ll notice the mischievous spark in its eyes right before it attacks you.
the dream team
(New CEO)
I might be young, inexperienced, crumble under pressure and go hide under the sofa at the first sight of trouble but I’m also great at problem solving. My philosophy is that there’s nothing a nap can’t fix. By the time I wake up, the issues are usually resolved (by someone).
I create fun-sized animal friends from polymer clay and I watch an obscene amount of movies while I do it. If I’m not talking about Toby or Aki, I sure as hell am thinking about them. I love animals and am fascinated by all of them but I have a dark secret. I hate monkeys.
I don’t need this job. I don’t take orders from anyone, but someone needs to make sure the packages get to the post office safely and I’m the right dog for the job. There’s so much danger on the way. WATCH OUT! Oh, that was just a leaf.
I better get treats for this.
back office
FINN & ellie
These two angels are making sure everything is running smoothly, watching over the team from over the rainbow bridge 🌈

But first, please read through the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS to make sure I haven’t answered your question already.
It saves time for both of us :)